How I made $17,122 In January 2020 with selling others people products that take less then 20 mins

A New Beginning...

This is my first EVER income report on the blog.

Every month I will be reporting here to share how my business is progressing.
As of right now, this blog is not making much money at all. I would love to hear your
advice on how to crank this up to the next level.

Fortunately, I have other income streams, like email marketing and my own products
that enable me to live the laptop lifestyle.

What you’re going to notice from these income reports, is that I definitely don’t make
the most money online. There’s loads of other marketers that make more than I do.

And in fact, making the most money possible is not my main goal.

The objective of a laptop lifestyle is to have BOTH time and money.

Money without time, has no value.

What I Discover New, Working And Testing

January was month for setting up new online adventure. I was focusing on new things
in my online business that will grow to 7 figure business per year.

I partnered with one of the honest and coolest guy marketer from London.

I never meet Kelvin in live but we are friends for last 5 years because we work in same
niche (Internet Marketing). We both have kids and we understand that time is very
importnat for us.

We created new brand that will show people how we run our business online. How
we make 6 figures per year working only few hours per week.

We had our first Live Webinar on 30th January and it was amazing experience.

This is how Email Profit School was born. Do you like the name?

I created new Facebook Group where I will start doing Live Videos, Q&A to connect
with members and help to start/grow their online business.

I tested few softwares to run monthly webinars and tools to do videos.

In the end the easiest way to do live webinars is amazing software called ZOOM...

All my videos on this blog and new You Tube channel will be recorded with software

Me and my biz partner Kelvin will run 45 min long LIVE webinars in the end of every
month to help 10 people build their business to $10,000 per month and beyond.

Traveling and Lifestyle

I like my business becuase it's one of the simpliest and easiest business that every
beginner can grow to the full time online income.

I am not tehnical guy and I like to keep things simple. I don't like testing every month
new things...

I prefer my daily routine.

I wake up at 8:00am and then working 2 hours.

Then the rest of the day I take off and enjoy time with kids and friends.

Working 10 hours per day is not for me.

It's not about the money... It's about freedom and time that you can spend how ever
you want.

Every month we travel or we take few days to discover new places with family...

But this month we didn't traveled because both kids was sick so we have been at home
all the time.


We already have some plans for February :-).

The Income Numbers and Expenses

The Income Numbers:

1. Wrrior Plus = $8,121.45
2. ClickBank = 9,794.90
3. The Solo Ad Lifestyle Course = $235
4. The Solo Ad Lifestyle Program = $1,491
5. Coaching Sessions = $1,000
6. Done For You Service = $794

Total Gross Earnings = $21,436.35


1. Autoresponders = $1,200
2. Hosting = $17
3. Tracking Software = $97
4. Traffic Spend = $3,000

Total Expenses = $4,314

Let's do the calculations.
$21,436.35 - $4,314 = $17,122.35

Grand Total = $17,122.35


What Is My Focus and Plans

January was awesome month about earnings and I am sure February will be almost
the same. I will still do same things as I am doing for the last 7 years.

Searching for good offers to recommend to my list and building my list & brand.

My main focus in February will be - Building Brand & Trust

1. Start recording weekly videos to show my progress to others to motivate and to inspire
them to start building profitabile online business.

2. Working on my webinar funnel to get more visitors for next Live Webinar.

3. Getting more people in Facebook Group Email Profit School and connect with them.

4. Start building my brand on other social media platforms (LinkedIn and Instagram).

5. Travel for at least 5 days with my family

What are your Goals, Plans for February?

Share your goals, plans with us here.

Stay Awesome. Dream BIG!

Matija Balantic


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